Week 31: Minha Sotaque
Hello family and friends, I have an accent. It is not the same as that of my parents, siblings, or friends. A few people asked about it in Colorado, generally thinking it was British. I apparently have the same accent in Portuguese, so while I was in Brazil people also noticed it. (They also noticed that I was American, so they probably just assumed it was because of that.) When I asked them to describe my accent, they said it sounded French. Here in the South (a few thousand miles north of my original assignment), someone asks about my accent nearly every day. Most people think I sound Nordic, but one person I talked to on Saturday apparently did voice recording at one point and heard a lot of accents, and he described my accent as Israeli or North African (mixed with other accents). Malaquias 3:10 Trazei todos os dízimos à casa do tesouro, para que haja mantimento na minha casa, e provai-me nisto, diz o Senhor dos Exércitos, se eu não vos abrir as janelas do céu, e não derramar sobre...