Week 31: Minha Sotaque
Hello family and friends,
I have an accent. It is not the same as that of my parents, siblings, or friends. A few people asked about it in Colorado, generally thinking it was British. I apparently have the same accent in Portuguese, so while I was in Brazil people also noticed it. (They also noticed that I was American, so they probably just assumed it was because of that.) When I asked them to describe my accent, they said it sounded French.
Here in the South (a few thousand miles north of my original assignment), someone asks about my accent nearly every day. Most people think I sound Nordic, but one person I talked to on Saturday apparently did voice recording at one point and heard a lot of accents, and he described my accent as Israeli or North African (mixed with other accents).
Malaquias 3:10
Trazei todos os dízimos à casa do tesouro, para que haja mantimento na minha casa, e provai-me nisto, diz o Senhor dos Exércitos, se eu não vos abrir as janelas do céu, e não derramar sobre vós uma bênção tal, até que não haja mais lugar para a recolherdes.
Nessa escritura, Deus nos dá um mandamento e nos promete bênçãos conectadas a obediência desse mandamento. Esse é o padrão: Os mandamentos têm bênçãos prometidas. Às vezes essas bênçãos são óbvias. Obedecer o mandamento "Não cobiçarás" resulte em mais felicidade pelas suas próprias coisas e feitos. Obedecer a lei de saúde dada a Joseph Smith como a Palavra de Sabedoria, que nos proíbe fumar ou beber álcool, café, ou chá, traz liberdade das adições. Em outros casos, como com a lei do dízimo aqui, as bênçãos não são tão visíveis. Elas ainda são reais. Deus quer nos abençoar, e os mandamentos nos guiam a ser felizes nessa vida e na vida eterna. Essa semana, quero que vocês busquem algo na sua vida que não os faça feliz e o mude. Isso pode ser um mandamento que não cumpram completamente. Pode ser algo que você não esteja fazendo mas que deve. Pode ser algo que esteja fazendo mas que não deve. Se quiserem, podem pedir perdão e força de Deus para ajudá-los. Sei que ao mudar a vida nessa maneira, as bênçãos esperadas e mais cairão sobre vocês.
Malachi 3:10
Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.
In this scripture, God gives us a commandment and promises blessings associated with obedience to it. This is His pattern: His commandments have promised blessings. Sometimes these blessings are fairly obvious. Keeping the commandment "Thou shalt not covet" helps us be happier with our own possessions and works. Obeying the law of health given to Joseph Smith as the Word of Wisdom, which tells us not to smoke or drink alcohol, coffee, or tea, protects us from addictions. In other cases, such as the law of tithing, the blessings are not as visible. They are still real. God wants to bless us, and His commandments guide us to happiness in this life and in the world to come. This week, I would like to invite you to find something in your life that isn't making you happy, and change it. This could be better keeping a commandment. It could be stopping something you do that you shouldn't or starting something you don't do but should. If you will, you can ask God for forgiveness and strength to help you. I know that as you make these changes, the expected blessings and more will fall upon you.
Thanks y'all,
Elder Hiatt
P.S. These emails, including the ones I sent while in Brazil, are also posted to johnhiattmission.blogspot.com. If you are reading them there and wish to receive these emails directly, if you know someone who would like to receive them, or if you have anything else you want to say to me, you can contact me at john.hiatt@missionary.org.
I have an accent. It is not the same as that of my parents, siblings, or friends. A few people asked about it in Colorado, generally thinking it was British. I apparently have the same accent in Portuguese, so while I was in Brazil people also noticed it. (They also noticed that I was American, so they probably just assumed it was because of that.) When I asked them to describe my accent, they said it sounded French.
Here in the South (a few thousand miles north of my original assignment), someone asks about my accent nearly every day. Most people think I sound Nordic, but one person I talked to on Saturday apparently did voice recording at one point and heard a lot of accents, and he described my accent as Israeli or North African (mixed with other accents).
Malaquias 3:10
Trazei todos os dízimos à casa do tesouro, para que haja mantimento na minha casa, e provai-me nisto, diz o Senhor dos Exércitos, se eu não vos abrir as janelas do céu, e não derramar sobre vós uma bênção tal, até que não haja mais lugar para a recolherdes.
Nessa escritura, Deus nos dá um mandamento e nos promete bênçãos conectadas a obediência desse mandamento. Esse é o padrão: Os mandamentos têm bênçãos prometidas. Às vezes essas bênçãos são óbvias. Obedecer o mandamento "Não cobiçarás" resulte em mais felicidade pelas suas próprias coisas e feitos. Obedecer a lei de saúde dada a Joseph Smith como a Palavra de Sabedoria, que nos proíbe fumar ou beber álcool, café, ou chá, traz liberdade das adições. Em outros casos, como com a lei do dízimo aqui, as bênçãos não são tão visíveis. Elas ainda são reais. Deus quer nos abençoar, e os mandamentos nos guiam a ser felizes nessa vida e na vida eterna. Essa semana, quero que vocês busquem algo na sua vida que não os faça feliz e o mude. Isso pode ser um mandamento que não cumpram completamente. Pode ser algo que você não esteja fazendo mas que deve. Pode ser algo que esteja fazendo mas que não deve. Se quiserem, podem pedir perdão e força de Deus para ajudá-los. Sei que ao mudar a vida nessa maneira, as bênçãos esperadas e mais cairão sobre vocês.
Malachi 3:10
Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.
In this scripture, God gives us a commandment and promises blessings associated with obedience to it. This is His pattern: His commandments have promised blessings. Sometimes these blessings are fairly obvious. Keeping the commandment "Thou shalt not covet" helps us be happier with our own possessions and works. Obeying the law of health given to Joseph Smith as the Word of Wisdom, which tells us not to smoke or drink alcohol, coffee, or tea, protects us from addictions. In other cases, such as the law of tithing, the blessings are not as visible. They are still real. God wants to bless us, and His commandments guide us to happiness in this life and in the world to come. This week, I would like to invite you to find something in your life that isn't making you happy, and change it. This could be better keeping a commandment. It could be stopping something you do that you shouldn't or starting something you don't do but should. If you will, you can ask God for forgiveness and strength to help you. I know that as you make these changes, the expected blessings and more will fall upon you.
Thanks y'all,
Elder Hiatt
P.S. These emails, including the ones I sent while in Brazil, are also posted to johnhiattmission.blogspot.com. If you are reading them there and wish to receive these emails directly, if you know someone who would like to receive them, or if you have anything else you want to say to me, you can contact me at john.hiatt@missionary.org.
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