
Showing posts from August, 2021

Fwd: Action Needed: Missionary Visa Documents for John Hiatt

Editor's note: This email was only sent to John's parents, but since it is all we heard from him this week, and it implies some interesting news, I am including it here. Hello, I need to apply for a new visa to go to Brazil, and I don't have access to half of these documents. Can you get the birth certificate and Seminary stuff, and send me my Seminary grades so I can fill out the Curriculum Vitae? I think I can do everything else. Thank you, Elder Hiatt

Hello from Elder Hiatt and Elder Jackson!

Hi Brother and Sister Hiatt!   This is Elder Jackson in Kingsland Georgia! I just wanted to email you and let you know how awesome it's been having your son as my companion! I've learned a lot from him, he's a great missionary! We're doing a lot of great work here, and everyone down here loves him! This is a great area to start (or in this case, resume) a mission.   I hope all is well with you, and thank you so much for letting us have your son here in the Florida Jacksonville mission for a year and a half! He is going to touch a lot of lives! Best wishes,  Elder Ben Jackson PS. I wanted to pass along a few pictures! Sorry if there are repeats that Elder Hiatt has already sent! :)

Week 34: Ainda Sou Vivo

( Editor's translation of title: I am still alive ) Hello family and friends, Desculpem-me por não mandar e-mail as duas semanas passadas. Deixar que palavras saiam de minha mente é difícil.  (Editor's translation: Excuse me for not sending emails the last two weeks. Letting the words out of my mind is difficult.) Another tradition I had from Brazil was translating songs into Portuguese. Mestre, Tu Me Amas? ( Editor's Note: This is " Teacher, Do You Love Me " from the Children's Songbook , p178 ) Mestre, tu me amas? Mestre, tu me cuidarás? Se eu desobedecer Ou esquecer O meu dever Ainda me_amarás? Mestre, me ensinas? Mestre, me ajudarás? Quando eu não entender O que fazer Vais me atender E levas-me_ao meu Salvador? Preciso teu amor e luz Pra aprender ser como Cristo O_amor do Salvador então Nos leva_à salvação. Menino, eu te amo. Memino, sempre cuidarei. O Salvador vai nos guiar Ao_eterno lar Pra nos salvar, E sentirás do Seu amor. Menino, te ensino. Menino, t...