Week 28: Em Casa
Hello family and friends,
As I said last week, on Tuesday I got on a plane and around noon on Wednesday arrived back in my house here in Colorado. I have now been at home, still as a missionary, for about a week now.
And not much happened.
For the most part, I just walk around and sometimes talk to my siblings and help them with not being bored or something. I helped my brother Josh with his homework for his fancy programming class, then listened in on the virtual class meeting today (in which I found a couple bugs in the program they were writing together). On Saturday we went to the park and played volleyball, because apparently I am allowed to leave my house as long as I stay away from other people.
And I get to do this for at least another week before I get reassigned.
In this time, I would like to bring back the reminder from the first few weeks that if you have anything you want to say to me or know other people that might want to hear from me, you can contact me at john.hiatt@missionary.org, or read my other letters at johnhiattmission.blogspot.com.
And the scripture:
Jarom 1:4
And there are many among us who have many revelations, for they are not all stiffnecked. And as many as are not stiffnecked and have faith, have communion with the Holy Spirit, which maketh manifest unto the children of men, according to their faith.
At this time, Jarom is commenting on the state of the Nephites during his life. While he says before this that many were stiffnecked, he says here that there were also many who had revelations because of their faith.
It is the same today. People who truly have faith in Christ still receive revelations by the power of the Holy Ghost. These revelations generally are not earth shaking events, but come quietly to testify of truth.
How is it that these people receive revelations? It is by their faith, which is manifested in prayer. The people with faith in Christ pray to Him to ask, and He responds.
This week, I invite all of you to pray and ask God any question that you have. I know that, as is said many times in the scriptures, if you will ask in faith, God will answer you.
Jarom 1:4
E há muitos de nós que recebem muitas revelações, porque nem todos são obstinados. E todos os que não são obstinados e têm fé comungam com o Santo Espírito, que se manifesta aos filhos dos homens de acordo com sua fé.
Nessa época, Jarom está falando sobre o estado dos Nefitas durante sua vida. Antes, ele disse que muitos eram obstinados, mas aqui diz que havia muitos que recebiam muitas revelações por causa da sua fé.
É assim hoje também. As pessoas que realmente têm fé em Cristo ainda recebem revelações pelo poder do Espírito Santo. Essas revelações geralmente não são eventos grandes, mas vêm quietamente para testificar da verdade.
Como é que eles recebam revelações? É por meio da sua fé, que se manifeste em oração. As pessoas que têm fé em Cristo oram a Ele perguntar ou pedir, e Ele responde.
Essa semana, eu convido todos vocês a orar e perguntar a Deus qualquer pergunta que tiverem. Sei, como é dito muitas vezes nas escrituras, que se pedirem com fé, receberão.
Jarom 1:4
Y hay muchos entre nosotros que reciben muchas revelaciones, porque no todos son obstinados. Y todos los que no son de dura cerviz, y tienen fe, gozan de comunión con el Santo Espíritu, el cual se manifiesta a los hijos de los hombres según su fe.
En esa época, Jarom está hablando sobre el estado de los Nefitas durante su vida. Antes, él dijo que muchos eran obstinados, más aquí dice que había muchos que recibían muchas revelaciones por causa de su fe.
Es mismo hoy. Las personas que realmente tienen fe en Cristo ainda reciben revelaciones por lo poder del Espíritu Santo. Esas revelaciones generalmente no son eventos grandes, más vienen quietamente para testificar de la verdad.
¿Cómo es que ellos reciben revelaciones? Es por medio de la fe dellos, que se manifieste en oración. Las personas que tienen fe en Cristo oran a él preguntar o pedir, y él responde.
Esa semana, yo convido todos ustedes a orar e preguntar a Dios cualquier pregunta que tienen. Sé, cómo es dito muchas veces en las escrituras, que se pedirán con fe, recibirán
(Yes, I have been studying my languages a little bit this week.)
Thank you,
Élder Hiatt
As I said last week, on Tuesday I got on a plane and around noon on Wednesday arrived back in my house here in Colorado. I have now been at home, still as a missionary, for about a week now.
And not much happened.
For the most part, I just walk around and sometimes talk to my siblings and help them with not being bored or something. I helped my brother Josh with his homework for his fancy programming class, then listened in on the virtual class meeting today (in which I found a couple bugs in the program they were writing together). On Saturday we went to the park and played volleyball, because apparently I am allowed to leave my house as long as I stay away from other people.
And I get to do this for at least another week before I get reassigned.
In this time, I would like to bring back the reminder from the first few weeks that if you have anything you want to say to me or know other people that might want to hear from me, you can contact me at john.hiatt@missionary.org, or read my other letters at johnhiattmission.blogspot.com.
And the scripture:
Jarom 1:4
And there are many among us who have many revelations, for they are not all stiffnecked. And as many as are not stiffnecked and have faith, have communion with the Holy Spirit, which maketh manifest unto the children of men, according to their faith.
At this time, Jarom is commenting on the state of the Nephites during his life. While he says before this that many were stiffnecked, he says here that there were also many who had revelations because of their faith.
It is the same today. People who truly have faith in Christ still receive revelations by the power of the Holy Ghost. These revelations generally are not earth shaking events, but come quietly to testify of truth.
How is it that these people receive revelations? It is by their faith, which is manifested in prayer. The people with faith in Christ pray to Him to ask, and He responds.
This week, I invite all of you to pray and ask God any question that you have. I know that, as is said many times in the scriptures, if you will ask in faith, God will answer you.
Jarom 1:4
E há muitos de nós que recebem muitas revelações, porque nem todos são obstinados. E todos os que não são obstinados e têm fé comungam com o Santo Espírito, que se manifesta aos filhos dos homens de acordo com sua fé.
Nessa época, Jarom está falando sobre o estado dos Nefitas durante sua vida. Antes, ele disse que muitos eram obstinados, mas aqui diz que havia muitos que recebiam muitas revelações por causa da sua fé.
É assim hoje também. As pessoas que realmente têm fé em Cristo ainda recebem revelações pelo poder do Espírito Santo. Essas revelações geralmente não são eventos grandes, mas vêm quietamente para testificar da verdade.
Como é que eles recebam revelações? É por meio da sua fé, que se manifeste em oração. As pessoas que têm fé em Cristo oram a Ele perguntar ou pedir, e Ele responde.
Essa semana, eu convido todos vocês a orar e perguntar a Deus qualquer pergunta que tiverem. Sei, como é dito muitas vezes nas escrituras, que se pedirem com fé, receberão.
Jarom 1:4
Y hay muchos entre nosotros que reciben muchas revelaciones, porque no todos son obstinados. Y todos los que no son de dura cerviz, y tienen fe, gozan de comunión con el Santo Espíritu, el cual se manifiesta a los hijos de los hombres según su fe.
En esa época, Jarom está hablando sobre el estado de los Nefitas durante su vida. Antes, él dijo que muchos eran obstinados, más aquí dice que había muchos que recibían muchas revelaciones por causa de su fe.
Es mismo hoy. Las personas que realmente tienen fe en Cristo ainda reciben revelaciones por lo poder del Espíritu Santo. Esas revelaciones generalmente no son eventos grandes, más vienen quietamente para testificar de la verdad.
¿Cómo es que ellos reciben revelaciones? Es por medio de la fe dellos, que se manifieste en oración. Las personas que tienen fe en Cristo oran a él preguntar o pedir, y él responde.
Esa semana, yo convido todos ustedes a orar e preguntar a Dios cualquier pregunta que tienen. Sé, cómo es dito muchas veces en las escrituras, que se pedirán con fe, recibirán
(Yes, I have been studying my languages a little bit this week.)
Thank you,
Élder Hiatt
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