Week 27: O Milagre

Hello, family and friends,

In case any of you thought that miracles had ceased, here is a story that happened this week that proves otherwise.

About a week ago, we got a reference for Adriana from some member who lives in the São Paulo area (but not the Oeste mission). Last Tuesday, we visited her. She was very interested to hear our message, and is otherwise a great person who will probably be baptized sometime when CoronaVirus is less annoying.

Some of you may be asking why this is a miracle.

For about a week and a half now, we haven't been allowed to make contacts or otherwise find people in normal ways. References are about the only way to do that, and they don't come very often.

Lunch that day was close, so we visited immediately after lunch. According to her, we got there three minutes after she got home from something with her son David. Had we come a little bit earlier, we would have missed her.

That night, we were told that we could no longer visit anyone other than less active members and investigators who are close to baptism. We could not have talked to her one day later.

She herself said she would read The Book of Mormon and pray about it, and that we should come back later to explain any questions she had without us needing to ask. Most people don't even let us answer their questions when we do ask.

She gave us her phone number, so while we can't visit her, we can still call and teach her.

Probably more that I can't explain here.

This visit was guided by God. Everything that we do as missionaries is guided by God to help and expand His work here. Even when we can't do a lot, we can always do something.

If we so choose to do, which we didn't really after we couldn't visit more people. This week, we were asked to buy a lot more food, and study the gospel. Yesterday I made bread, because I can, and we needed something to do.

Also, yesterday we were told that all foreign missionaries in Brazil are going home to be reassigned somewhere in their native country. My next two letters will be sent from home, and then somewhere else in the United States.

On that note, here's a relevant scripture.

Doutrina e Convênios 80:3

Portanto, ide e pregai meu evangelho, seja para o norte ou para o sul, para o leste ou para o oeste, não importa, não vos podeis enganar.

A obra de Deus está em todo lugar. Temos missões em quase todo o mundo com missionários organizados, e todos os membros podem fazer seja qual for o lugar em que esteja. O lugar "não importa" para fazer a obra de Deus, porque todo lugar tem algo para ajudar Seus filhos.
Essa semana, vamos esforçar a fazer o bem em qualquer lugar. Estamos em casa muito, então vamos ajudar nossa família e as outras pessoas com quem temos contato a sentir o amor de Deus. Todos têm algo a fazer, e Deus vai nos ajudar.

Doctrine and Covenants 80:3

Wherefore, go ye and preach my gospel, whether to the north or to the south, to the east or to the west, it mattereth not, for ye cannot go amiss.

God's work is being done in every part of the world. We have missions in almost the whole world, with organized missionaries, and every member can do it wherever they are. Location "mattereth not" to do God's work, because everywhere has something that can be done to help His children.
This week, let's strive to do good in whatever place. We stay in our houses a lot more now, so let's help our families and the other people with whom we have contact to feel the love of God. Everyone has something to do, and God will help us as we go.

Thank you all,
Élder Hiatt


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