Week 24: Três Transferências

Hello family and friends,

Today is the end of my third transfer here in Osasco. All three of them were with my first companion in the field, Elder Bulkley. We have done a lot of things here together. Here is a list of a few of them:

* We accidentally supercooled some water the first week, and possibly a few more times.

* We taught an African who lived in New York for several years (and says he joined the church there), and who may or may not have been drunk every time we visited him. We couldn't actually tell.

* We met with one of our investigators in the week between a month long vacation and moving out to the country (and across the street from another church building).

* We started learning Italian, poichè italiano è buono. (And I started learning Spanish, Creole, and German, and continued learning French and Japanese)

* We learned that Giacomo, Jak, Jacques, Tiago, Santiago, ヤコブ (Yakobu), Jakobus, and James are somehow all the same name.

* We started teaching at least ten different families, and stopped teaching a few because they weren't interested, weren't at home when we tried to visit, didn't let us talk when we did visit, and/or moved out to the country.

* Sent 18 scriptures (just kidding, just me.)

1 Nephi 4:1

And it came to pass that I spake unto my brethren, saying: Let us go up again unto Jerusalem, and let us be faithful in keeping the commandments of the Lord; for behold he is mightier than all the earth, then why not mightier than Laban and his fifty, yea, or even than his tens of thousands?

In this part of The Book of Mormon, Nephi and his brothers had to get the plates of brass that contained the scriptures from a man called Laban. In the previous chapter, they tried to get them twice, but didn't succeed. Laman and Lemuel, the older brothers, wanted to return to father, having tried what they could, but Nephi said this to them.

Nephi knew that the Lord can do all things. When he asks us to do something difficult, he will provide a way. Nephi knew this, and went in the faith of the Lord to success.

Like Nephi, all of us can have faith in the Lord. We can trust that everything he asks of us is for our good and that he will help us along the path. We don't always have large challenges like Nephi, but in everything we do, we can trust in the support of the Lord.

1 Néfi 4:1
E aconteceu que falei a meus irmãos, dizendo: Subamos novamente a Jerusalém e sejamos fiéis aos mandamentos do Senhor; pois eis que ele é mais poderoso que toda a terra. Então, por que não há de ser mais poderoso que Labão e seus cinquenta, sim, ou mesmo suas dezenas de milhares?

Nessa parte do Livro de Mórmon, Néfi e os seus irmãos tinham que pegar as placas de latão que continham as escrituras, de um homem chamado Labão. No capítulo anterior, eles tentaram duas vezes obtê-las, mas não conseguiram. Lamã e Lemuel, os irmãos mais velhos, queriam voltar ao seu pai, tendo tentado o que podiam, mas Néfi lhes falou isso.

Néfi sabia que o Senhor pode fazer todas as coisas. Quando nos pede que façamos algo difícil, sempre prepara um caminho. Néfi o reconhecia, e foi na fé do Senhor para conseguir.

Como Néfi, todos nós podemos ter fé no Senhor. Podemos confiar que tudo que Ele nos pede é para nosso bem e que Ele vai nos ajudar ao longo do caminho. Nem sempre temos desafios tal como Néfi, mas em tudo podemos confiar no apoio do Senhor.

Thank you all,
Élder Hiatt

P.S. Elder Bulkley was transferred. This afternoon he will be traded out for Elder Jones, from Arizona.


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