Week 23: Perguntar a Deus

Hello family and friends,

This is Élder Hiatt, still serving in the Osasco ward of the São Paulo Oeste mission with my companion, Élder Bulkley. We've been together here for almost three transfers (one more week), and things have been pretty good between us. We struggle to have normal conversations sometimes, since one of us talks too much and the other doesn't talk enough, but we are working and getting things done.

This week, we got a reference from the Visitor's Center next to the temple. Apparently Magda was looking for the truth, looked up some information about the Book of Mormon, and found the missionaries who work in the Center, who passed the reference on to us. We met her last night, and is truly seeking God. We gave her a Book of Mormon and confirmed that we can come back to continue teaching her.

Cláudio, who I've mentioned a few times, came back to church this week. We taught him the last of the missionary lessons this week, so he is officially ready to be baptized. (He's probably been "officially" ready since about the time his wife was baptized 19 years ago.) All he needs to do is pray and accept that this is the truth, and that he can get a certainty that it is the truth by praying about it.

On that note, have a scripture:

Moroni 10:4-5
And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.
And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things.

Here we have one occurrence of a promise scattered throughout all of the scriptures: If we ask God, we will receive an answer. This has the additional promise that we can know the truth of all things, by the power of the Holy Ghost. With such a great promise, we also have three conditions: We must have a sincere heart, real intent, and faith in Christ. A sincere heart means that we truly want to receive the answer. We don't just say the words, but actually ask God to show us the truth. Real intent means that after we receive the answer, we will follow it and do what God shows us. And Faith in Christ means we believe that we will receive an answer. I know that with these things, we all can receive our own answers, and that God will answer all of our sincere prayers.

Monôni 10:4-5
E quando receberdes estas coisas, eu vos exorto a perguntardes a Deus, o Pai Eterno, em nome de Cristo, se estas coisas não são verdadeiras, e se perguntardes com um coração sincero e com real intenção, tendo fé em Cristo, Ele vos manifestará a verdade delas pelo poder do Espírito Santo.
E pelo poder do Espírito Santo podeis saber a verdade de todas as coisas.

Aqui temos uma ocorrência de uma promessa encontrado em todas as escrituras: Se perguntamos a Deus, receberemos uma resposta. Isso tem a promessa adicional que podemos saber a verdade de todas as coisas, pelo poder do Espírito Santo. Com tal grande promessa, também temos três condiçôes: Devemos ter um coração sincero, real intenção, e fé em Cristo. Uma coração sincero significa que verdadeiramente queremos a resposta. Não somente falamos as palavras, mas pedir a Deus a nos mostrar a verdade. Real intenção significa que depois de receber a resposta, vamos segui-la e fazer o que Deus nos mostrar. E fé em Cristo significa que acreditamos que vamos receber uma resposta. Sei que com essas coisas, todos podemos receber nossas próprias respostas, e que Deus vai responder todas as nossas sinceras orações.

Thank you all,
Élder Hiatt


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