Week 20: Algumas Conversas

Hello, family and friends,

In the mission, you get to hear some weird things sometimes. Here are a few conversations that happened this week, transcribed as accurately as I can remember. Conversations in Portuguese have english translations provided.

Conversa 1: Andando com o meu companheiro
Eu: Eu ouvi falar que essa outra ala da missão fecharia. O que você conhece disso?
(Me: I heard that this other ward in the mission would close or something. What do you know about this?)
O Élder Bulkley: Provavelmente não fechará. Eles não gostam de fechar completamente. ...
(Elder Bulkley: It probably won't close completely. They don't like to close areas completely. ...)

Mais 15 minutos ...
(15 more minutes...)

... Por isso sou grato que não preciso bater meu cérebro.
(... For this I'm grateful that I don't have to hit my brain.)

During those 15 minutes, my companion continued talking, explaining the inconveniences of closing a ward like that, and how his ward at home was split up because it was bigger than the rest of his stake combined, and how big schools have better football teams. I did not say anything more during this time.

He got a little worried when I told him what he'd done.

Conversa 2: Orações da reunião sacramental
1st counselor in the bishopric: Hey, did you get the prayers?
2nd counselor: Oh, no, I didn't.
1st counselor: Elders, first, last?
Elder Bulkley: Are you sure we can do that?

2nd counselor: Yeah, don't they have to be worthy members of the ward?
1st counselor: Great. Thanks.

Things to note from this:
* It was all said in English.
* It was said less than half an hour before the meeting started.
* This is the second time something like this has happened.
* Jokes were made at all times.

The counselors in this ward are great.

There were probably more conversations like these, but I forgot them already.

And your (reorganized) scripture:

Doutrina e Convênios 58:28Pois neles está o poder e nisso são seus próprios árbitros. E se os homens fizerem o bem, de modo algum perderão sua recompensa.

Como parte do plano Dele, Deus nos deu o dom de arbítrio, para escolher o que queremos fazer. Também Ele nos deu mandamentos e conhecimento para que saibamos entre o bem e o mal. Sabendo o que é o bem e o que é o mal, temos a responsabilidade de escolher o bem. Não conseguimos fazer o que é certo todo o tempo, mas podemos esforçar, e nos arrepender de nossos erros. Por causa da Expiação de Cristo, podemos ser melhores e progredir em busca de nosso Pai Celestial. Podemos fazer o bem. E quando fizermos o bem, temos o promessa de Deus: "de modo algum [perderemos nossa] recompensa." Deus é nosso Pai Celestial. Ele nos ama e vai nos ajudar em todas as coisas ao seguirmos o exemplo do Filho Dele, Jesus Cristo. Tal como Cristo fazia o bem durante toda a vida, também nós podemos escolher a fazer o bem e ser melhores. Vamos escolher o bem.

Doctrine and Covenants 58:28
For the power is in them, wherein they are agents unto themselves. And inasmuch as men do good they shall in nowise lose their reward.

As part of His plan, God gave us the gift of agency, the ability to choose what we will do. He also gave us commandments and knowledge so that we know the difference between good and bad. Knowing what is good and what is bad, we have the responsibility to choose what is good. We are not able to do what is right all of the time, but we can try, and repent of our mistakes. Because of the Atonement of Christ, we can be better and progress in search of our Heavenly Father. We can do what is right. And when we do what is right, we have the promise from God: "[we] shall in nowise lose [our] reward." God is our Heavenly Father. He loves us and will help us in all things as we follow the example of His Son, Jesus Christ. Just as Christ did good during his whole life, we can also choose to do good and be better. Let's choose what is good.

Thank you, and have a good week.
Élder Hiatt


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