Week 19: Uma Família Veio

Hello family and friends,

In the first two transfers here in Osasco, four investigators came to church. One came on her own because at the moment she didn't have a job, and stopped when she got one again. One we brought after a few lessons, and she really liked it, then disappeared for several weeks, and more weeks, and we don't really know what's going on right now. One started coming around the time that his daughter was baptised (I mentioned the baptism on week 9. For whatever reason he isn't a member yet.), and has been coming with his family just about every week. One doesn't speak Portuguese and didn't really understand anything, and has been busy looking for a job so we haven't been able to teach him more since then.

And yesterday an entire family came, on their own. We invited them, they agreed to it, and they did it. Before they left, they even said they would come back next week. And next week they probably won't get lost and arrive half an hour late, because they know where the entrance to the church is now. (This is why you bring investigators to the church, and don't just give them the address and hope they arrive.) In a few weeks, we will probably have baptisms here in Osasco.

And he scripture:
Marcos 3:8
E de Jerusalém, e da Iduméia, e de além do Jordão; e de perto de Tiro e Sidom uma grande multidão, ouvindo quão grandes coisas fazia, veio ter com ele.

Mark 3:8
And from Jerusalem, and from Idumæa, and from beyond Jordan; and they about Tyre and Sidon, a great multitude, when they had heard what great things he did, came unto him.

Enquanto Cristo estava na Terra, muitas pessoas iam para ouvi-lo. Essa escritura diz que era "uma grande multidão".

While Christ was on the Earth, many people went to hear him. This scripture says it was "a great multitude".

A razão delas era simples: "ouvindo quão grandes coisas fazia". Elas sabiam que Cristo tinha poder.

Their reason was simple: "they had heard what great things he did". They knew that Christ had power.

Todos nós também temos esse conhecimento. Ouvimos e lemos o que Cristo fez e faz agora para os Seus filhos.

All of us also have this knowledge. We hear and read of what he did and still does for His children.

Nós sabemos que Cristo tem poder. Sabemos que Ele é o Santo de Israel, aquele que é poderoso para salvar.

We know that Christ has power. We know that He is the Holy One of Israel, he who is mighty to save.

Mas para receber as bênçãos Dele, para sentir o Seu poder na nossa vida, precisamos ir para Ele.

But in order to receive His blessings, in order to feel His power in our lives, we need to go to Him.

Ele está sempre esperando que "[viermos] a Cristo [e formos] aperfeiçoados Nele".

He is always waiting for us to "come unto Christ and be perfected in Him."

E qual é o caminho para Ele?

And what is the path to Him?

Não podemos ir fisicamente para Cristo, como a multidão dessa escritura, mas podemos ir espiritualmente por meio de oração.

We cannot physically go to Christ, like the multitude of this scripture, but we can go to Him spiritually in prayer.

Eu sei que quando oramos, Cristo ouve e nos abençoa. Não importa quanto tempo oramos ou se as palavras são certas, Cristo vai nos dar tudo que precisamos, se vamos para Ele e peçamos.

I know that when we pray, Christ hears and blesses us. It doesn't matter how long we pray or if the words we use are completely correct. Christ will give us what we need, if we will go to him and ask.

Thank you all. I know that God loves you, and he sent his Son Jesus Christ to bless each of us personally. Until next week,
Élder Hiatt


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