Week 18: El Fin del Trenamiento

Hello family and friends,

As of today, I have completed my training as a missionary, both in the CTM and in the field. Two days ago marked the last non-Sunday day of my training, my half-birthday, and four months in the mission field. (No, I didn't get pizza.)

During this time of training, I learned a lot. This includes languages: a lot of Portuguese, a bit of Spanish, a bit of Japanese, and some Haitian Creole. I've been reading The Book of Mormon in all four languages, since they have them here, and have collected three pages worth of synonyms in at least four languages. (It's a lot harder to find specific words in Japanese, so I only have 45 of the 63 words/phrases in Japanese.)

I've also learned to like the food here. As some of you know, I was a fairly picky eater before the mission. Here is a list of things I didn't like back then:

* Mustard
* Onions
* Peppers
* Olives
* Tomatoes
* Whipped Cream
* Ham
* . . . And more that I don't remember right now.

After four months here in Brazil, here is a list of things I still don't like:

* Fans
* Whipped Cream, because I haven't tried it yet.

Fans are annoying. They cause irritating breezes that make small areas of cold air, move around papers, and are otherwise annoying. Otherwise, I like just about everything here in Brazil.

E a escritura:

1 Néfi 10:17
E aconteceu que eu, Néfi, depois de ouvir todas as palavras de meu pai referentes às coisas que ele vira numa visão, como também as coisas que dissera com o poder do Espírito Santo, poder que ele recebeu pela fé no Filho de Deus — e o Filho de Deus era o Messias que deveria vir — eu, Néfi, também desejei ver e ouvir e conhecer essas coisas pelo poder do Espírito Santo, que é o dom concedido por Deus a todos os que o procuram diligentemente, tanto em tempos passados como no tempo em que se manifestará aos filhos dos homens.

1 Nephi 10:17
And it came to pass after I, Nephi, having heard all the words of my father, concerning the things which he saw in a vision, and also the things which he spake by the power of the Holy Ghost, which power he received by faith on the Son of God—and the Son of God was the Messiah who should come—I, Nephi, was desirous also that I might see, and hear, and know of these things, by the power of the Holy Ghost, which is the gift of God unto all those who diligently seek him, as well in times of old as in the time that he should manifest himself unto the children of men.

O profeta Leí teve muitas visões durante essa época do Livro de Mórmon. Essas incluem a visão da árvore da vida e uma do batismo de Cristo, e mais que não são escritas nesse livro.

The prophet Lehi had many visions in this part of the Book of Mormon. These include the vision of the tree of life and one of the baptism of Christ, among others that are not written in this book.

Néfi teve a oportunidade de ouvir tudo isso, e aprendeu muito de Leí.

Nephi had the opportunity to hear all of this, and he learned a lot from Lehi.

Porém, ele quis aprender ainda mais. Desejou "ver e ouvir e conhecer essas coisas pelo poder do Espírito Santo".

However, he wanted to learn even more. He "was desirous also that [he] might see, and hear, and know of these things, by the power of the Holy Ghost".

Nos capítulos seguintes, recebemos mais uma visão de Néfi com a interpretação da árvore da vida. Ele viu e ouviu e conheceu todas essas coisas.

In the following chapters, we receive another vision of Nefi containing the interpretation of the tree of life. He saw, heard, and knew all these things.

Como Néfi, todos nós podemos receber essas respostas. Néfi disse: "que é um dom concedido por Deus a todos os que o procuram diligentemente".

Like Nephi, all of us can receive these answers. Nephi said that this "is the gift of God unto all those who diligently seek him".

Se procurarmos diligentemente, Deus vai nos dar todas as coisas que precisamos receber. Essa é promessa de Deus continuamente; pedir, procurar, e receberá.

If we will seek him diligently, God will give us everything we need. This is continually God's promise to us: Ask, seek, and you will receive.

O primeiro passo de "procurar diligentemente" é orar e perguntar a Deus. Isso é o que precisamos fazer.

The first step to "diligently seek" is pray and ask of God. This is what we must do.

Se vocês têm algo conhecimento que quiserem, eu lhes convido a perguntar a Deus.

If you have any knowledge you want to receive, I invite you to ask of God.

Eu sei que vocês vão receber. Talvez não será uma visão como Néfi ou Joseph Smith, mas as respostas vão vir.

I know that you will receive your answers. Maybe they won't be visions like Nephi or Joseph Smith, but the answers will come.

Essa semana, vamos orar e perguntar a Deus todas as coisas que precisamos. Eu sei que vamos receber.

This week, let's pray and ask of God all the things we need. I know that we will receive all these things.

Thank you,
Élder Hiatt


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