Week 11: Cachorros
Hello family and friends,
A note about dogs: They can't talk. At least, I haven't met any that speak English or Portuguese, so I can't communicate directly with them. However, they bark a lot, which is probably some form of communication, and combined with what they do, it is possible to make a reasonable guess as to what they are trying to say. Here are some example transcripts of our dealings with dogs, based on real events.
(Meu companheiro: Claps and calls for the person we're trying to teach)
Dog: (walks out to the gate)
Hey! Peoples! Leave! You're weird! I don't like you! Leave!
(Starts to walk away)
(Meu companheiro: Tchau.)
What was that? You want to say that to my face? Come on! I dare you! Do it! Leave! I dare you!
(Starts to walk away)
(Meu companheiro: Tchau.)
You're still here? I don't like you! Leave! I dare you! Do it!
(This continues until either a person comes out or we stop waiting and move on to someone else.)
(Eu e meu companheiro andamos perto de uma casa)
Hey! People! This is my house! Don't stay here! Also, walk faster! I'm getting a little dizzy here! And no, I can't just slow down! What do you think I am? A cat? No, I have to run as fast as I possibly can! And I have to stay between you and the house! How else could I protect the house! Now keep walking! I can still see you! Keep walking!
(Eu ou meu companheiro: claps and calls to see if a person here will listen to our message)
Hey! You! Get away! I'm the protector of this house, and I don't want you here! You're kind of creepy! Can you leave now? I don't like you! Why are you still here? Hey buddy, can you help me?
Another dog:
Dude, you're a big scary dog. Deal with it.
Dog: I'm trying, but they're just standing there staring at me! Why are humans so creepy? Why won't they just go away? Am I not scary enough?
(Eu e meu companheiro: Leave because no one came to answer)
Dog: Finally! Thank you! Please don't come back!
(Eu ou meu companheiro: Claps and calls to see if a person here will listen to our message)
Hey! Intruder! Intruder! Leave! Leave! Intruder!
Other dog:
Dude, I'm trying to sleep.
But there's an intruder! See? Intruder! Two intruders! We need to chase them off! You're bigger than me, come help me scare them away!
Other dog:
But I'm trying to sleep.
But we need to chase them off!
Other dog: (gets up)
Get away from the door.
But the intruders!
Other dog:
I don't care. I want to sleep.
But I can still see them!Intruders! Leave!
Other dog:
Stop barking, get away from the door, and let me sleep.
But -
Other dog:
These were some of the most memorable experiences with dogs that have happened so far. Dogs are fun, and only a little bit annoying.
And the scripture:
2 Néfi 5:27
E aconteceu que vivemos segundo o padrão da felicidade.
2 Nephi 5:27
And it came to pass that we lived after the manner of happiness.
Nessa escritura, Néfi descreve como ele e seu povo viviam: segundo o padrão da felicidade.
In this scripture, Nephi describes how he and his people lived: following the manner of happiness.
A felicidade é um padrão da vida. Não é um evento ou acontecimento que traz felicidade.
Happiness is a pattern of life. It is not and event or happening that brings happiness.
Viver seguindo o padrão da felicidade é viver seguindo o exemplo de Cristo e os seus ensinamentos.
To live after the manner of happiness is to live following the example of Christ and His teachings.
Os profetas e apóstolos vivos nos ensinaram o que é essa padrão da felicidade.
Living prophets and apostles have taught us this pattern of happiness.
Em A Família: Proclomação ao Mundo, eles disseram, "A felicidade na vida familiar é mais provável de ser alcançada quando fundamentada nos ensinamentos do Senhor Jesus Cristo. O casamento e a família bem-sucedidos são estabelicidos e mantidos sob os principios da fé, da oração, do arrependimento, do perdão, do respeito, o amor, da compaixão, do trabalho e de atividades recreativas salutares."
In The Family: A Proclamation to the World, they said, "Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ. Successful marriages and families are established and maintained on principles of faith, prayer, repentance, forgiveness, respect, love, compassion, work, and wholesome recreational activities."
As famílias podem viver segundo o padrão da felicidade por meio da fé, da oração, do arrependimento, do perdão, e dos ensinamentos de Cristo.
Families can live following the pattern of happiness by way of faith, prayer, repentance, forgiveness, and the teachings of Christ.
Ao seguirmos essas coisas, podemos ter mais felicidade na família e pessoalmente.
As we follow these things, we can have more happiness in our families and personally.
Vamos nos lembrar como ter essa felicidade e tentar viver mais seguindo isso.
Let´s remember how to have this happiness and try to live more following this pattern.
Thank you all, and have a good week.
Élder Hiatt
A note about dogs: They can't talk. At least, I haven't met any that speak English or Portuguese, so I can't communicate directly with them. However, they bark a lot, which is probably some form of communication, and combined with what they do, it is possible to make a reasonable guess as to what they are trying to say. Here are some example transcripts of our dealings with dogs, based on real events.
(Meu companheiro: Claps and calls for the person we're trying to teach)
Dog: (walks out to the gate)
Hey! Peoples! Leave! You're weird! I don't like you! Leave!
(Starts to walk away)
(Meu companheiro: Tchau.)
What was that? You want to say that to my face? Come on! I dare you! Do it! Leave! I dare you!
(Starts to walk away)
(Meu companheiro: Tchau.)
You're still here? I don't like you! Leave! I dare you! Do it!
(This continues until either a person comes out or we stop waiting and move on to someone else.)
(Eu e meu companheiro andamos perto de uma casa)
Hey! People! This is my house! Don't stay here! Also, walk faster! I'm getting a little dizzy here! And no, I can't just slow down! What do you think I am? A cat? No, I have to run as fast as I possibly can! And I have to stay between you and the house! How else could I protect the house! Now keep walking! I can still see you! Keep walking!
(Eu ou meu companheiro: claps and calls to see if a person here will listen to our message)
Hey! You! Get away! I'm the protector of this house, and I don't want you here! You're kind of creepy! Can you leave now? I don't like you! Why are you still here? Hey buddy, can you help me?
Another dog:
Dude, you're a big scary dog. Deal with it.
Dog: I'm trying, but they're just standing there staring at me! Why are humans so creepy? Why won't they just go away? Am I not scary enough?
(Eu e meu companheiro: Leave because no one came to answer)
Dog: Finally! Thank you! Please don't come back!
(Eu ou meu companheiro: Claps and calls to see if a person here will listen to our message)
Hey! Intruder! Intruder! Leave! Leave! Intruder!
Other dog:
Dude, I'm trying to sleep.
But there's an intruder! See? Intruder! Two intruders! We need to chase them off! You're bigger than me, come help me scare them away!
Other dog:
But I'm trying to sleep.
But we need to chase them off!
Other dog: (gets up)
Get away from the door.
But the intruders!
Other dog:
I don't care. I want to sleep.
But I can still see them!Intruders! Leave!
Other dog:
Stop barking, get away from the door, and let me sleep.
But -
Other dog:
These were some of the most memorable experiences with dogs that have happened so far. Dogs are fun, and only a little bit annoying.
And the scripture:
2 Néfi 5:27
E aconteceu que vivemos segundo o padrão da felicidade.
2 Nephi 5:27
And it came to pass that we lived after the manner of happiness.
Nessa escritura, Néfi descreve como ele e seu povo viviam: segundo o padrão da felicidade.
In this scripture, Nephi describes how he and his people lived: following the manner of happiness.
A felicidade é um padrão da vida. Não é um evento ou acontecimento que traz felicidade.
Happiness is a pattern of life. It is not and event or happening that brings happiness.
Viver seguindo o padrão da felicidade é viver seguindo o exemplo de Cristo e os seus ensinamentos.
To live after the manner of happiness is to live following the example of Christ and His teachings.
Os profetas e apóstolos vivos nos ensinaram o que é essa padrão da felicidade.
Living prophets and apostles have taught us this pattern of happiness.
Em A Família: Proclomação ao Mundo, eles disseram, "A felicidade na vida familiar é mais provável de ser alcançada quando fundamentada nos ensinamentos do Senhor Jesus Cristo. O casamento e a família bem-sucedidos são estabelicidos e mantidos sob os principios da fé, da oração, do arrependimento, do perdão, do respeito, o amor, da compaixão, do trabalho e de atividades recreativas salutares."
In The Family: A Proclamation to the World, they said, "Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ. Successful marriages and families are established and maintained on principles of faith, prayer, repentance, forgiveness, respect, love, compassion, work, and wholesome recreational activities."
As famílias podem viver segundo o padrão da felicidade por meio da fé, da oração, do arrependimento, do perdão, e dos ensinamentos de Cristo.
Families can live following the pattern of happiness by way of faith, prayer, repentance, forgiveness, and the teachings of Christ.
Ao seguirmos essas coisas, podemos ter mais felicidade na família e pessoalmente.
As we follow these things, we can have more happiness in our families and personally.
Vamos nos lembrar como ter essa felicidade e tentar viver mais seguindo isso.
Let´s remember how to have this happiness and try to live more following this pattern.
Thank you all, and have a good week.
Élder Hiatt
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